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About The Nursery

Versatile horticulture is linked to farming with a holistic operating concept in which the cycles between the soil, plants, animals and people become clear and strong. The nursery conveys this through courses, seminars, exhibitions and café offerings that will mirror the products from Bygdø Royal Manor. The nursery works closely with various agencies, organizations, teams and associations.

The history of The Nursery

The nursery at Bygdø Royal Manor was first established in connection with the construction of Oscarshall in the 1850s. There was a need for plants both for the pleasure palace and to develop the area into a public park. Two greenhouses and a dwelling were built for the gardener.

In line with technological development, the horticultural area was modernized with a new greenhouse in 1902. This greenhouse was in use until it was replaced by new ones in 1947.

The facility was expanded several times in the 50s and 60s before operations ceased in the mid-1980s.

Today, the nursery is run as part of the farm at Bygdø Royal Manor.  The nursery is located in the area called Thulstrupsløkken.

Cycles and ecology

The nursery helps to ensure that the farm as a whole appears with strong local cycles and great social capital. In 2015, the process of building up a knowledge centre for urban and peri-urban agriculture began at the nursery at Bygdø Royal Manor.

The work started as a result of prioritization from Statsbygg and grants from the Norwegian Directorate of Agriculture. The centre will inspire and spread knowledge about diversity in agriculture, urban agriculture, the cycles on the farm, organic cultivation and processing of food, as well as being a vibrant green meeting place.


DebioInfo og Matvalget

DebioInfo is established at The Nursery and will have office space in the old Gartnerboligen. They disseminate knowledge and provide guidance related to Debio's brands. They facilitate meeting places for shared wonder and change. Matvalet is a service from DebioInfo that helps you who want to cook organic and sustainable food for others. They offer courses, guidance and study trips to make it easier to make good food choices. DebioInfo was founded in March 2015, and is a non-profit company, wholly owned by Debio.


Unikum is a labour market company owned by the Kirkens Bymisjon and the City of Oslo. Unikum's main task is to offer people without work new opportunities in working life. Unikum is a central part of the staff at The Nursery.


ByBi has its visitor apiary in the orchard at The Nursery, where they have several innovative beehives, among other things. In the Sling Room at the Nursery, ByBi has its own exhibition wall and visitors have the opportunity to stay on the farm in the apiary.  ByBi Beekeepers' Association is a local branch under the Norwegian Beekeepers' Association.


The nursery is a good arena for gardening practice. There is a variety of tasks related to organic cultivation of vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruits and berries. Horticulture has been put into circulation with resources from livestock farming at Bygdø Kongsgård. Fertilizer and feed residues are handled and processed into resources for horticulture, and interns gain experience and knowledge about this work.

Feel free to contact us for an appointment! hanne.rekve@norskfolkemuseum.no


The Nursery's cultivation team

At The Nursery, you can take part in the work in the garden on a voluntary basis. We meet at regular intervals throughout the growing season and are involved in the practical work in the kitchen garden or in the greenhouse. The gardener at The Nursery is involved in the work and we share knowledge and experiences. The time will be announced on the group Gartneriets dyrkelag on Facebook.

Biological dynamic association

The Biological-Dynamic Association collaborates with Bygdø Royal Manor and holds courses and seminars in, among other things, composting, preparations, fermentation of vegetables, care of fruit trees and cheesemaking.

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